One friday of July I joined to the service of food distribution for disadvantaged people with my colleages of Human-net Foundation Aniko and Erika. At seven o'clock picked us up by our partner Andris with the Foundation's car, and then we went to pick up our colleague Erika to go to Metro Hypermarket. 

When we arrived there, they gave us many boxes and bags with many different kind of foods. There we had many time to distributing foods according to their type and evenly in bags for later delivery them. This work took us about 30 minutes. Then we started our way to the first destination.

We went one by one handing out food bags, mostly in poor neighborhoods and in a residence. There we talked with people who told us about their concerns and some difficulties of their daily lives. It was obvious that they also needed to be heard. Most of them did not have an easy life. After every delivery we came back to the office around Ten o clock at the evening.

The best of this task was the gratitude from the people for the work we did and the satisfaction of having helped some people who need with these temporary aid that have been received with open arms.


                                                                                                    Daniel Riveiro. EVS volunteer at                                                                                                                      Human-Net Foundation