Last Friday on the 2nd of June we attended as representatives of Human Net Foundation on an event for Roma integration, near Korzó Mall. In which we were in attend offering tattoos for children and for those who was not so young who want to approach those tattoos.

The materials that we had were templates with different shapes (dragons, shamrocks, hearts ...), cleaning towels, glitter colors and brushes. With these materials we could do tattoos of a single color or multicolored, depending on how they wanted those who came there.
We were doing this task from 13:30 until a heavy storm forced us to pick up everything and leave. This happened shortly before 16:00, we all leaving surprised and quite wet ...
After this experience, we will repeat this activity in another event on Saturday 11th of June in Nyírszolos, where there will be many more children willing to enjoy of a nice tattoos.

